
living wall,Wally pockets

The business I work for recently moved into a new building with lots of blank walls. A few of the employees enjoy plants, but most dislike them or are indifferent. So far we've hung a Wally Three in one office and three wally pockets s in another. I love using Wally Pockets in place of traditional artwork. Whereas traditional artwork often appeals to only certain people depending on whether it is done in an abstract or impressionist (etc) style, plants in Wally Pockets have a much broader appeal. We have gotten so many compliments on them from visitors and employees who previously disliked or were indifferent to plants! I agree with the reviewer that said there's definitely something about the Wally Pockets that makes indoor plants more appealing. One of our employees who complained of plants in his previous office asked for more plants after we hung his Wally Ones and now has both Tina and Lana table top planters from Woolly Pockets.

  living wall

Wally pockets also make indoor plants easier to care for! Watering is easy, you just have to be mindful of how much water you are using and how fast you are pouring it. As far as the amount of water, I started with the recommendations from Woolly Pocket, but in our dry office air I've had to increase it just a bit. I am the person that cares for all the plants at work and tending multiple plants in one container is far less work than tending multiple plants all in their own containers. Wally Pockets also take up less room and are a great way to include plants in an area where floor space is limited. Plants also stay healthier in Wally Pockets, because they will not become pot bound and there is a larger amount of soil available as compared to many other wall style planters.

This next week we start hanging the Wally pockets in my office. I'm so excited!
living wall planter
living wall

living wall planter
living wall

living wall planter
living wall
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living wall planter
living wall

living wall planter
living wall

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living wall Product Description | andrew chang

living wall Product Description | andrew chang
living wall planter
living wall

living wall planter
living wall

living wall planter
living wall
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Outdoor Planter CFI-WP06

The Chinese best range of Wall Planters for Sale

Outdoor Planters CFI-WP06 by cnforefront give you an effective way to add plants to living areas even if it is little.
Plant herbs, feature walls and gardens vertically outside.

 Wall Planter
Outdoor Wall Planters CFI-WP06

Create a Living Painting or a Whole Living Wall.
Outdoor Planters CFI-WP06 is cute hanging all by itself, but he loves to hang out in a crowd.  Create your own flourishing living wall with a few outdoor planters, because Outdoor Planters CFI-WP06 is totally modular!
Hang Your Garden Up Right.
Outdoor Planters CFI-WP06 doesn’t come with hang-ups, but he does come with hardware! Hanging Outdoor Planters CFI-WP06 is as simple as hanging a painting.
Edibles, Florals, Tropicals Oh my!
Perfect for an organic kitchen herb garden or outdoor edible farms.Tropicals also love Outdoor Planters CFI-WP06.
Even Americans and Europeans have a crush on
Outdoor Planters. With Outdoor Planters,the plantablities are endless! 


Perfect Outdoor Wall Planter CFI-WP06 by cnforefront

Outdoor Wall Planters CFI-WP06 by cnforefront are a practical and lovely addition to your garden, patio, deck, porch.
living wall
Outdoor Wall Planters CFI-WP06

Green Wall System CFI--WP01

Green Wall System CFI--WP01--a truly easy-installation, modular living wall system,creating vertical habitat and corridor space.

 Indoor Environmental Quality

The green living wall system brings a new level of sustainability,make the plants grow to their full potential,remove airborne toxins such as formaldehyde, particulate matter, VOCs, trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, benzene, toluene, xylene, plus countless others.

Energy & Atmosphere

Green Wall System CFI--WP01 cnforefront designed could lower down the energy consumer by 35%,carbon by 30%,water 30% to 50% and improve the waste saving 50% to 90%. 
living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01

living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01

living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01

living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01

living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01

living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01

living wall
Green Wall Systems CFI--WP01