
roof garden from CN Forefront International

CN Forefront International roof garden is any garden on the roof of a building.CN Forefront International dedicate to provide you best Green wall,Flower tower,Box planter,Railing planter/Fence planter,Living wall gardens,Roof garden,Vertical garden ,Hanging Planter,Wall Planter,Indoor planter,Grassy paver,Lamp post planter,Raised garden bed,Outdoor planter,Self watering planter,window planter and other tips for gardens.
Besides the decorative benefit, roof plantings may provide food, temperature control, hydrological benefits, architectural enhancement, habitats or corridors for wildlife, and recreational opportunities. The practice of cultivating food on the rooftop of buildings is sometimes referred to as rooftop farming.Roof garden is usually done using green wall, hydroponics, aeroponics or air-dynaponics systems or container gardens.Besides using the already present space at the roof itself, additional platforms could possibly be created between high-rise buildings called "aero-bridges".
There is a large range of garden planter and home decor products at CN Forefront, you may like:
Flower wall
Flower tower
Fence planter/rail planter
roof garden
raised garden bed
window planter
self watering planters
Grassy paver
Lamp post planter
More information,you can get from our website http://www.cnforefront.com.

CN Forefront-leading manufacturer of Green wall,Flower tower,Box planter,Railing planter/Fence planter

CN Forefront dedicate to fight against violations of intellectual property rights.As a leading manufacturer of Green wall,Flower tower,Box planter,Railing planter/Fence planter,Living wall gardens,Roof garden,Vertical garden ,Hanging Planter,Wall Planter,Indoor planter,Grassy paver,Lamp post planter,Raised garden bed,Outdoor planter,Self watering planter,window planter and other tips for gardens,we are aiming to provide you easier greening your backyards and gardens.We appriciate to help you to create a better life.
Creativity: the next generation
What is the shape of things to come?
From the weather to the markets to the next big thing in technology or the arts, we all want to know how the world will look tomorrow.
Predicting the future is an uncertain endeavor at best, but that doesn’t keep us from trying. And with ever greater access to information, instant communication, new forms of collaboration and crowd-sourcing, our predictions are becoming more frequent, more outrageous, and more accurate.
We know, for example, that cars will soon drive themselves. That our sight and speech – eventually our brains – will interact more directly with, and effectively control, our computers. Which will in turn become much smaller and be worn on – or inside – our bodies. This will all have a profound effect on how we live – how we think, how we work, how we learn, heal, enjoy.
What used to be science fiction is now fact. But what’s next? What is the future beyond the future? What disruptive technology is now just an idea bouncing around a young engineer’s mind? Who will create the next online sensation that again changes how we talk to each other? What new music will emerge from a garage somewhere to rock the world’s dance floors or unnerve the academy? Who are tomorrow’s great artists and innovators? How are they working; how do they create? And how will they get their creations to market in a world where the game changes, almost daily?
CN Forefront International focus on the protection of intellectual property rights.

Creativity: the next generation.CN forefront helps you to create a better gardens.

CN Forefront dedicate to fight against violations of intellectual property rights.As a leading manufacturer of Green wall,Flower tower,Box planter,Railing planter/Fence planter,Living wall gardens,Roof garden,Vertical garden ,Hanging Planter,Wall Planter,Indoor planter,Grassy paver,Lamp post planter,Raised garden bed,Outdoor planter,Self watering planter,window planter and other tips for gardens,we are aiming to provide you easier greening your backyards and gardens.We appriciate to help you to create a better life.
Creativity: the next generation
What is the shape of things to come?
From the weather to the markets to the next big thing in technology or the arts, we all want to know how the world will look tomorrow.
Predicting the future is an uncertain endeavor at best, but that doesn’t keep us from trying. And with ever greater access to information, instant communication, new forms of collaboration and crowd-sourcing, our predictions are becoming more frequent, more outrageous, and more accurate.
We know, for example, that cars will soon drive themselves. That our sight and speech – eventually our brains – will interact more directly with, and effectively control, our computers. Which will in turn become much smaller and be worn on – or inside – our bodies. This will all have a profound effect on how we live – how we think, how we work, how we learn, heal, enjoy.
What used to be science fiction is now fact. But what’s next? What is the future beyond the future? What disruptive technology is now just an idea bouncing around a young engineer’s mind? Who will create the next online sensation that again changes how we talk to each other? What new music will emerge from a garage somewhere to rock the world’s dance floors or unnerve the academy? Who are tomorrow’s great artists and innovators? How are they working; how do they create? And how will they get their creations to market in a world where the game changes, almost daily?
CN Forefront International focus on the protection of intellectual property rights.


Social Benefits of Living walls from CN Forefront

Living walls from CN Forefront may have a positive impact on both physical and mental health and wellbeing. Green views and access to green spaces in cities help and relieve the everyday pressures of crowding and noise. They may have a positive impact on crime reduction since residents living in ‘greener’ surroundings actually report lower levels of fear, fewer incivilities, and less violent behavior. Living walls can benefit communities socially by instilling higher public esteem and pride for an area.
Living walls from CN Forefront are unlikely to be graffitied, improve the quality and perception of the urban environment, and can provide security as a dense and natural barrier for unwanted guests.
Living walls from CN Forefront can have seasonal variations in colour, growth, flowers, and perfume which provide all year round interest.
Living walls from CN Forefront can provide local fruit and vegetation for the community.
More information,you can get from our website http://www.cnforefront.com.


Function of living wall from CN Forefront International

Function of living wall from CN Forefront International

China Forefront International Co., ltd - the Chinese leading supplier of Green wall,Outdoor planter, Indoor planter, Landscaping garden,Hanging planter and so on!
China Forefront International Co., ltd--designers and manufacturers of the world's most sustainable green wall systems and music struments.

Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
                                      world-class greening solution provider

Green walls CN Forefront International are found most often in urban environments where the plants reduce overall temperatures of the building. "The primary cause of heat build-up in cities is insolation, the absorption of solar radiation by roads and buildings in the city and the storage of this heat in the building material and its subsequent re-radiation. Plant surfaces however, as a result of transpiration, do not rise more than 4–5 °C above the ambient and are sometimes cooler."
living wall system

 Living walls CN Forefront International  may also be a means for water reuse. The plants may purify slightly polluted water (such as greywater) by absorbing the dissolved nutrients. Bacteria mineralize the organic components to make them available to the plants. A study is underway at the Bertschi School in Seattle, Washington using a GSky Pro Wall system, however, no publicly available data on this is available at this time.
 Living walls CN Forefront International are particularly suitable for cities, as they allow good use of available vertical surface areas. They are also suitable in arid areas, as the circulating water on a vertical wall is less likely to evaporate than in horizontal gardens.
 The living wall CN Forefront International could also function for urban agriculture, urban gardening, or for its beauty as art. It is sometimes built indoors to help alleviate sick building syndrome.
Welcome to CN Forefront International®, designers and manufacturers of the world's most sustainable, durable, low maintenance living wall system.Living Walls by CN Forefront International is a self-contained, irrigated vertical planting system.
Lliving walls brings many benefits such as : Create living works of art, improve indoor air quality in residential & office settings, Gain points, building protection- Shield from sun, rain and thermal fluctuations, energy savings- Cut electricity bills by up to 20%, health and wellness and so on!
You may like our other superior-quality products:
CFI-YR200 Flower Tower
 CFI-YR160 Flower Tower
CFI-YR230 Flower Tower
CFI-FP01 Fence Planter CFI-FP01
CFI-X109 Box Planter
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
living wall
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
vertical green wall
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
vertical green wall

Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
living wall
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International

Living Wall Gardens


living wall garden

living wall garden

Create beautiful living wall garden in your home or backyard!

Follow CN Forefront International to create your own living wall of verdant, healthy plants.
Living wall garden planter from CN Forefront International– a whole new way to think about gardening! Living wall garden planters are flexible, breathable and modular gardening containers for indoor or outdoor gardening.
The felt is made from recycled and eco-friendly fabric and the amazing material provides a safe growing medium that is pH neutral and non-reactive, so you can garden organically right on your wall – it’s even safe for vegetables and herbs! Roots grow right into the felt, which comes alive thanks to the microbiology in the soil.
The special design of CN Forefront International living wall garden planter makes it easy for you to parking it greening your garden.
This lets you change and re-arrange your living wall at will, while maintaining the integrity of every plant in its own soil.
Create a small vertical garden to grow salad and herbs with affordable vertical wall planters.

Create eye-catching displays on bare walls

Grow flowers, salads or herbs vertically using CN Forefront International flower tower and box planter
Great space saver for units, balconies and small spaces
Soft black felt, lightweight design for easy movement and hanging
Extremely space efficient, compared to pot, plants & hangs above the snails and slugs.
When filled, has enough weight to be sturdy in windy conditions
Strong and long lasting
CN Forefront International–Part of a wide range of vertical planter bags and planters designed for everyone’s back garden.
More information you can visit our website http://www.cnforefront.com.
Flower Tower CFI-YR230

living wall gardens

living wall gardens

living wall


Indoor green wall/Indoor landscaping

Indoor green wall/Indoor landscaping
                     ---CN Forefront International  brings the outside in with a living wall.
"We design and engineer tailor-made green concepts that align with architectural language. Our green concepts are interpretations and activations of the space."CEO of CN Forefront International, Shyne Liu says
Product Details
of indoor green wall CFI-ig 001:
Model NO. Indoor green wall CFI-ig 001
Width of Indoor green wall CFI-ig 001:   2.0m
Length of Indoor green wall CFI-ig 001:  10m
Indoor green wall system 
of indoor green wall CFI-ig 001
 Initiated a new technology, CN Forefront Internatioanl indoor wall greening system is consists of specialized plants, nutrition soil and CN Forefront Internatioanl VF planting blanket (which is waterproof & root resistant and irrigating automatically), insolation board (according to necessity) and accessories.
 Moreover, our wall greening system can make sure the flexibility of the design, you can choose small and medium sized evergreen plants or annual flowers. This system can be used widely, like brick wall surface, concrete walls, steel structure walls, wooden walls and etc.
Advantages of CN Forefront Internatioanl indoor green wall
CFI-ig 001
No skeleton
of Indoor green wall  CFI-ig 001 
CN Forefront Internatioanl wall greening system, choose the flexible materials, no matter its brick wall,
concrete wall, wood wall, plaster wall, curtain wall, or no matter its flat or curve, its
easy and quick to install it.
Thin & light
of indoor green wall CFI-ig 001   
The green wall system thickness can be as thin as 5cm (excluding plants), and the
weight per square meter can be as low as 35kg (including plants and water).
Waterproof & root-resistant
of Indoor green wall  CFI-ig 001  
CN Forefront Internatioanl indoor green wall greening system can effectively improve the waterproof ability of the wall
and prevent root penetration, thus extend lifetime of buildings.
High wall greening of
indoor green wall   CFI-ig 001   
No problem for high building greening and low maintenance cost, due to high
reliability & safety of our system, low death rate of plants as well as convenience of
replacing plants.
Flat irrigation system
of indoor green wall  CFI-ig 001
CN Forefront Internatioanl's unique technology, different from the traditional dropper technique, well
avoids clogging, uneven watering and other defects, significantly reduces the plant
indoor green wall CFI-IG001
Natural landscape
of indoor green wall CFI-ig 001   
CN Forefront Internatioanl green wall system is similar to natural landscape, no framework restrictions.
Low maintenance cost
of indoor green wall CFI-ig 001       
Irrigation and fertilization are completed by the system automatically, maintenance
cost can be reduced as low as several Yuan per square meter per month. 


Indoor green wall planter

Indoor green wall planter CFI- SL-S5130,SK5130

Indoor green wall planter CFI- SL-S5130,SK5130

CN Forefront International is the top indoor green wall provider in China,marketing North America,West Europe and Austrilia.Our vertical gardens improve indoor air quality in residential & office settings.
Grow green wall in your home – no matter how small that home may be – with tips from CN Forefront International!
Advantages of indoor green wall CFI- SL-S5130,SK5130:
1.Provide sound insulation
2.Improve air quality
3.Reduce the Heat Island Effect
4.Moderate a building’s internal temperature
5.Create a microclimate
6.Help a building retain heat otherwise lost to convection
7.Serve as a natural water filter and water temperature moderator
8.Provide biodiversity and a natural animal habitat

CN Forefront International vertical green wall CFI- SL-S5130,SK5130 are eco friendly soft-sided, flexible, breathable, and modular gardening containers for indoor or outdoor gardening. Create a garden where ever you have space, even if its vertical! Just hang, plant, and water and let woolly Pockets nurture your garden,come to CN Forefront International.
Just feel free to contact with us,if these are your choice.
Indoor green wall
Indoor green wall
Indoor green wall
Indoor green wall
Indoor green wall planter CFI- SL-S5130,SK5130
Indoor green wall

vertical green wall

Vertical green wall planting systems. Embrace the vertical.
Designed byCN Forefront International vertical green walls planting systems blends engineering ingenuity with striking design. The result: a memorable oasis; a one-of-a-kind living, breathing green wall.
The CN Forefront International vertical green wall:
The vertical green wall CFI VG-W3320 system have water reservoir at the bottom, at the same time, the self-watering system has been built in. You just needs 21 pieces of the vertical green wall CFI VG-W3320 to greening one square meter.
Our vertical green wall CFI VG-W3320 is made fromEnvironment-friendly and high grade recycled materials.
Our vertical green wall systems allow easy vertical expansion.
vertical green wall

vertical green wallmodel in Spain

colourful vertical green wall

Vertical green wall