
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International

Function of living wall from CN Forefront International

China Forefront International Co., ltd - the Chinese leading supplier of Green wall,Outdoor planter, Indoor planter, Landscaping garden,Hanging planter and so on!
China Forefront International Co., ltd--designers and manufacturers of the world's most sustainable green wall systems and music struments.

Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
                                      world-class greening solution provider

Green walls CN Forefront International are found most often in urban environments where the plants reduce overall temperatures of the building. "The primary cause of heat build-up in cities is insolation, the absorption of solar radiation by roads and buildings in the city and the storage of this heat in the building material and its subsequent re-radiation. Plant surfaces however, as a result of transpiration, do not rise more than 4–5 °C above the ambient and are sometimes cooler."
living wall system

 Living walls CN Forefront International  may also be a means for water reuse. The plants may purify slightly polluted water (such as greywater) by absorbing the dissolved nutrients. Bacteria mineralize the organic components to make them available to the plants. A study is underway at the Bertschi School in Seattle, Washington using a GSky Pro Wall system, however, no publicly available data on this is available at this time.
 Living walls CN Forefront International are particularly suitable for cities, as they allow good use of available vertical surface areas. They are also suitable in arid areas, as the circulating water on a vertical wall is less likely to evaporate than in horizontal gardens.
 The living wall CN Forefront International could also function for urban agriculture, urban gardening, or for its beauty as art. It is sometimes built indoors to help alleviate sick building syndrome.
Welcome to CN Forefront International®, designers and manufacturers of the world's most sustainable, durable, low maintenance living wall system.Living Walls by CN Forefront International is a self-contained, irrigated vertical planting system.
Lliving walls brings many benefits such as : Create living works of art, improve indoor air quality in residential & office settings, Gain points, building protection- Shield from sun, rain and thermal fluctuations, energy savings- Cut electricity bills by up to 20%, health and wellness and so on!
You may like our other superior-quality products:
CFI-YR200 Flower Tower
 CFI-YR160 Flower Tower
CFI-YR230 Flower Tower
CFI-FP01 Fence Planter CFI-FP01
CFI-X109 Box Planter
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
living wall
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
vertical green wall
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
vertical green wall

Function of living wall from CN Forefront International
living wall
Function of living wall from CN Forefront International

Living Wall Gardens

